Saturday, 23 June 2012

Friday Files

For years I fumbled with organizing papers to send home with my students.  I have always used a Friday File system where I'd send home work on the last day of the week. I used to use magazine boxes labelled with each student's name, but these took up a lot of room (especially considering I had TWO kindergarten classrooms and needed sometimes 50 boxes. I'd simply put a label with each child's name on the box (turned around) and a cute sticker. 

This year I tried an idea I'd seen others use.  I bought a package of hanging folders and a file folder box from Zellers.
I threw it all together and printed up a plain label and glued it onto cardstock.  I had one for my red class and one for my blue class.  Next year I'll only have ONE class... so it will be much easier to keep track of!

I simply file childrens' work or notices that come from the office in this bin as they come to me.  Also filed in the labelled hanging folders are a "Friday File" for that child. This is simply made of a pocket folder At the of the week, I gather up the contents of each hanging folder, put it in the Friday File and send it home. 

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